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2024 - 25 Registration is Now Open!


Please click here to learn more about how to register online and become a member of the Royal Kingston Curling Club for the 2024 - 25 season.

Please log into the Member's Area and then click the ONLINE MEMBERSHIP & LEAGUE SIGN-UP link to begin the sign-up process. For a list of the 2024 - 25 Membership Types and Fees or help with the Registration process, please click the respective links.

Life Members

2010's 2000's 1990's 1980's
John Berry * Marilyn Bellringer Ed Bauder Ken Anderson
Ella Brisson Mary Bird Glenda Bauder Bud Beatty
Pat Brooks Russ Brown Bernie Breen George Binnington
Norma Burns Ken Burns Jean Breen Margaret Blenkinsop
Tony Bush Betty Bush Mike Breen Ted Brown
Marilyn Campbell Don Cameron Kathy Brown Don Bruce
Brian Collingwood Bill Cannon Ron Brown Bob Clark
Fran Cooney Marilyn Chilton Clark Carnegie Vi Duff
Dave Cox Esther Cliff Shirley Clark Dick Edney
Joan Doucet Jack Cliff Gladys Ford Hazel Fergusson
Gruer Cam * Rhonda Cross Frank Forkes Ev Gollogly
Eric Hamelinck * Arla Currie Bill Gourdier Clyde Lawlor
Doug Huddle Bill Duffe George Graves Lefty McDonald
Carrol Knowles Shirley Dunstan Thelma Graves Mary McFarlane
Diane Labrie Sandy Edwards Enid Gugins Ike McHugh
Rene Marchen Bob Fisher Howard Herron Bill Mills
Bob Moore Lin Jenkins Pauline Herron Barb Peters
Doug Murray Linda Lott Ruth Hillier Gert Poston
Doug Pfeiffer Edith Lutz John Hutchinson Bette Reid
Jim Rines Joanne Manion Marg Hutchinson Flossie Seymour
Carole Rivington John Mayhew Bob Leishman Lloyd Starnaman
Judy Russell Tom Mercer Lois Leishman Phyllis Starnaman
Nick Sears Gwen Mitchell Marg McDonald Julius Sugarman
Karen Schneider Jerry Murphy Thelma Mills Dot Vince
Mike Schneider Linda O'Sullivan Grant Paterson Dud White
Martin Secker * Mary Paterson Don Pringle
Heather Sinclair Karl Polk Bill Racz 1970's
Doug Swain Marg Polk Art Russell Harold Anglin
Lee Thompson Ray Quenneville Shirley Russell Ernest Boughton
Henry Treier Joyce Roddy Art Taugher Harold Buck
Joe Waller Phil Tomsett Bill Vince Joe Corkey
Larry Waller April Welsh Ron Walsh Jake L. Edwards
Rich Waller Sylvia Wright Bill A. Kelly
Sharon Windsor     Bruce Matthews
      Andy L. McFie
    * 2018-19     Fran Millar
      Wesley T. Reid
      Tip Roberts
      Gib Seymour
      Bill Sharpe
      Pat Travers
      Harry Abramsky
      Minnie Carlaw
      Joseph Cooke
      Stu Cooke
      Bob Elliott
      Edith Hall
      Karl Leishman
      Gord Lumb
      Audrey McFarlane
      Bob McFarlane
      Jack Sands
      Walter Cooke
      Jack McCartney
    Year Unknown
    Frances Allain
    Doug Belch
    Gord Bond
    Bob Bruce
    Olive Crawford
    George Hanson
    Jolly Hewson
    Jackie Langille
    Annie Levandoski
    Sally Louden
    Doreen Main
    Charlie Paradis
    Shirley Paradis
    Lynne Rutherford
    Norma Sharpe
    George Shewell
    Peter Swan
    Yvonne Taugher
    Bert Vince
    Jean White

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